Zero Waste

Yandina Food Waste Loop


NYAG members with Dalia and Emily Boyd, Project Officer for Yandina Food Waste Loop

Did you know that in our Shire 63% of Councils emissions come from Methane produced in our landfill? Decomposing organic material by microbes in the absence of oxygen releases methane into the atmosphere. This fermentation is common in landfill and open stockpiles such as manure piles.

The Yandina Food Waste Loop has developed a highly grassroots solution to this.


Reducing organic waste in our landfill is incredibly important on our zero emissions journey. With methane from our Noosa Landfill comprising 63% of the emissions from our region re-routing organic waste to other more useful areas such as composting is a great solution and one we should all be pursuing.

Households can help though a backyard compost heap or worm farm. If your unable to set up a small compost solution in your own backyard why not consider joining #sharewaste who will help you find a local household who can take your waste

As schools are one of the largest consumers in our Shire they can help by managing their own compost heap on site and utilising the process as part of the students curriculum. Noosa Council Waste Officer Emma Menzies and the Noosa Environmental Hub can help schools to implement a compost heap at their school and become part of the solution to reducing our methane production from the Noosa Landfill site.


Members of Noosa Youth Advocacy Group can access the presentation and discussion here